
  • When you download and use this App, it means that you have read and agreed to all the terms and conditions of the user.
  • Users must be at least 18 years of age or up to the legal age of majority.
  • AV TV is for your personal use only and may not be used for any commercial activity unless approved.
  • You are solely responsible for any content you share or use. Do not post, upload, download, view, transmit or provide content intentionally or unintentionally violating any applicable local, state, national, or international law, or any regulations or laws having the force of law where you reside and elsewhere, including but not limited to any laws .
  • You must ensure and guarantee that the content submitted or posted meets all of the following conditions:
    1. You own all trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, patents or other proprietary rights used in the submission.
    2. You have obtained written consent or permission from each identifiable individual in the submission to use the name or portrait of each identifiable individual
    3. Do not include viruses or any other programs, files or software designed to destroy, interrupt, limit functionality or monitor
    4. Do not submit materials that are protected by copyright, protected by trade secrets or protected by third party ownership, including privacy and promotional rights, unless you are the owner of these rights or have permission from their legal owners
    5. Do not submit illegal, defamatory, harassing, hateful, racial or ethnic offensive material, or encourage acts deemed criminal
    6. Do not submit child pornography, beasting, rape, torture, death or any illegal film
    7. Do not submit lies or misrepresentations that may damage AV TV or any third party
    8. Do not post advertisements or solicitations of business
    9. Do not impersonate another person
  • If your account has three infringements, your account will be terminated.
  • You agree that the platform has the right to determine and take any action in response of violation of the Terms or the Law.

37 則留言:

  1. https://iwantavnow.com/dl_iosa/


  2. 有没有安卓版本的下载链接

  3. ios12.4 無法安裝

  4. 前天原本可以了結果現在又無法了

  5. 9/28版本,在雷電模擬器上安裝完以後,會開啟失敗。

  6. 我以爲是我手機問題.....

  7. 一直跳DNS錯誤 不然就是一並轉圈圈

  8. I can not use it with app vpn of cloudflare

  9. 其他的为什么下载不到的?
